hokkaido-honpo Comprehensive souvenir shop
hokkaido-honpo Comprehensive souvenir shop
2F, Domestic Terminal Building
This shop sells a wide variety of Hokkaido products, including popular sweets, fresh farm produce, meat products and seafood from various parts of the prefecture as well as locally brewed sake, wine and beer. Also on offer is popular LeTAO Double Fromage cake, regular gift confection Shiroi Koibito cookies and hairy/king crabs boiled in Lake Mashu's renowned water with premium salt added. There i
- general souvenirs
- before domestic security inspection
- opens early
2F, Domestic Terminal Building
Credit cards accepted
The following credit cards are accepted: VISA, Master Card, JCB, American Express, Diners Club, UC, SAISON, MUFG, DC, UFJ, Nicos, AEON, TS Cubic, Orico, Rakuten, Nissenren, Scort, Life, Pocket Card, JACCSS, Tokyu, Union Pay
Digital cash and payment apps accepted
Electronic money
The following electronic money can be used: Rakuten Edy, WAON, nanaco, iD, QuicPay, Kitaka, Suica, Pasmo, TOICA, manaca, sugoca, Hayakaken, nimoca
- We do not offer electronic money recharge services at our store.
Code payment
Available code payments are as follows: au Pay, d Pay, Jcoin, LINE Pay, Merpay, PayPay, Rakuten Pay, AEON Pay, Smart Code (ANA Pay, EPOS PAY, FamiPay), Ginko Pay, Hokuhoku Pay, Alipay Partner (Alipay HK, GCash, true money wallet), JKOPAY, WeChat Pay, UnionPay